
Reflexology, Full Body Massage, Hot Stones, Aromatherapy

Reflexology - 30 minutes

Reflexology is the technique of applying gentle pressure to reflex areas on the feet or hands to bring about a feeling of deep relaxation and to stimulate the body’s own healing processes. It is a natural therapy that can also facilitate more vital energy, help boost the immune system and create a stronger body and calmer mind. All of your organs, glands, nerves and other parts of the body are connected to the reflex areas in the feet and hands. Rebalance your body and your mind by stimulating your ‘chi’.

Hot Stone massage - 60 mins

The techniques used are designed to improve your circulation, soothe your muscles and make you more relaxed. Traditional massage uses softer strokes on the bonier and more delicate parts of the body, and stronger strokes where there is thicker muscle coverage, all enhanced by gorgeous essential oils to treat the issues you have.

Hot stones are placed at key muscle points on your back, legs, face and between your fingers and toes. The stones heat penetrates deep into the muscle tissue allowing the muscles to relax 4-5 times quicker than a standard body massage, easing muscle tension and revitalising the tissue by increasing blood circulation.


Treat your family and friends to the amazing gift of some ‘Me Time’ at the Therapy Shed with a gorgeous Gift Voucher.

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